Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Trying Something New

Well here I my final semester of college! It feels so strange to know that I am actually going to graduate in December. So I figured I would try something new for my last semester at A&M.  I am going to try and post a picture a day!  It sounds easy, but I already know that it will pose a challenge.  But I am excited to try! So this is day 1 and here is the pic of the day:

In this picture are a few of my favorite things! A cup of coffee; blueberry frappe, a game of tavoli in one of my favorite coffeshops - mugwalls, and of course my wonderful friend Brittani!   We are obsessed with playing this game!  It looks like a backgammon gameboard and I'm sure it is but the Greeks call it Tavoli!  I'm sure you are wondering how we learned to play this game?  Well you see, Brittani and I were part of  a summer project team that went to Greece for the first half of the summer!  We were there for 6 weeks and in the process we met Greek students, had coffee, shared with them the love of Christ and learned a lot about the Greek culture - which includes Tavoli :) I could share so much more about our experience in Greece but that should deserve a post all its own! 

Well there it is folks! My first picture of the semester...stay tuned for more :)
