Friday, December 17, 2010

"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"

and cue...

every song possibly known that has the words Romeo and Juliet.  I know I was singing every single one that I know of since the morning of the day that we went to Verona.  Yes...cheesy, I know. But I just can't help it! haha...

What is there to say about Verona? It is a beautiful city in Veneto in northern Italy.  It is rich in its artistic heritage, shows and operas in the beautiful Arena - the ancient amphitheater built by the Romans.  I honestly had no idea what to expect from Verona, but I was pumped about going! The only time I had heard of Verona before I left for Italy was through the movie "Letters to Juliet."  CUTE movie. If you have not seen it yet, you should!  These are the things that I got from the movie about is a romantic city ( it is! ), and it is the home of Romeo and Juliet (yep!)  

You can't help but fall in love with this city.  Here are some pics :)

The famous arena

Ponte Scaligero

Precious balconies on almost every outer wall

Around the city there were plaques similar to this that describe the story of Romeo and Juliet

Porta Borsari

Old meets new

Statue of Dante: Author of the Divine Comedy and the father of italian language

Piazza dei Signori

Casa di Juliet! Another one of those I can't believe I'm actually seeing this moments! So much graffiti...
In the movie Letters to Juliet, supposedly one could place a letter to Juliet in the wall...but that is not really true :(  And also, for the film they had to clean up the area because people were using gum to stick letters to the wall..ek.

graffiti on the walls...layer upon layers of hearts, promises and 4 eva' different languages of course :)

The famous balcony!

Statue of Giulietta aka Juliet

and not to make your mouth water or anything...because mine sure is just looking at this pic haha
But this is a very traditional dish in Verona consisting of Polenta (which is a sort of cornmeal) and we never figured out what kind of mystery meat...but oh so good :)

Hope you enjoy the pics! 

Ciao, ciao!